Generally, everyone wants flawless and naturally dewy skin therefore unexpected acne can be extremely difficult to deal with. Apart from being a huge blow to one’s self esteem it can also be quite overwhelming and costly to manage. So, in this article we’re setting out the basics of hormonal acne; what it is, causes and symptoms and the top skincare tips to help you manage hormonal acne.

First, what is hormonal acne?

Hormonal acne is basically the term used to describe breakouts that occur due to hormone fluctuations. As the term suggests, its linked to changes in hormones that usually coincide with a person’s menstrual cycle. However, these breakouts can also occur during times of other hormonal shifts in one’s life such as menopause or postpartum.

What causes it?

Hormonal acne occurs because of clogged pores. These pores become clogged as a result of excess sebum (the oily substance created from the sebaceous glands in the middle layer of skin), dead skin cells and bacteria. Hormonal changes such as a rise in testosterone increases the amount of oil/ sebum the skin produces, this oil in turn interacts with hair follicles on the skin culminating in acne.

How do I know if I have hormonal acne? / What does it look like?

Hormonal acne is most common in women between the ages of 20 and 40. A few of the most common symptoms in people that suffer from this condition are location of pimples, appearance of pimples and timing. 

Hormonal acne usually shows up as a cluster of pimples in the T-zone of the face which includes the nose, chin and forehead. However, research shows that in adults it sometimes shows up on the lower zones of the face such as the lower cheeks and jawline. 

Furthermore, if the breakouts usually happen around the same time each month (get worse before your period), then this can definitely be as a result of hormonal acne. 

Lastly, the cluster of pimples usually appear as blackheads or whiteheads on the skin. Blackheads open at the surface of the skin, and they appear black on the top as the sebum interacts with the air. Whiteheads on the other hand are closed beneath the skin surface and appear white or cream coloured on top. 

Blackheads                                      Whiteheads 

Skincare tips for getting rid of hormonal acne

  • Choose a good cleanser

The foundation for every great skincare routine is a good cleanser and with the rise of the skin care as self-care era, choosing a good cleanser can be overwhelming as there are loads of great options out there. However, it is recommended that you stick with one that contains chemical exfoliants such as alpha or beta hydroxy acids such as glycolic, lactic or salicylic acid. These AHAs and BHAs eliminate acne causing bacteria and they help exfoliate the skin by unclogging pores. Salicylic acid works by reducing swelling and unclogging pores to help shrink pimples whilst Glycolic acid gently exfoliates the skin helping to get rid of the dead skin cells that can lead to clogged pores. A popular internet ‘fave’ for treating acne is the la Roche- Posay Effaclar Deep Cleansing Foaming cream. 

  • Retinoids 

Retinoids which are available as creams and gels and can be bought over the counter, are not just great for treating acne but they also prevent new acne from forming. These vitamin-A derivates help to keep pores clear by causing skin cells to form at a faster rate and decrease oil production. They also go a long way in reducing inflammation. But as with all skincare products this option has some cons. Firstly, it’s important to note that they can sometimes lead to skin irritation so it might not be the best selection for people with overly sensitive skin. As a result, its best to start with products that have a low concentration of retinol and then observe how your skin reacts to it. Lastly, retinol is far from being a ‘quick fix’ and it might take a while to see the desired results therefore one has to be consistent and patient to see the benefits. 

  • Benzoyl Peroxide 

This has been described as the best topical medicine for treating acne. Benzoyl Peroxide is known for killing bacteria and clearing pores in the long term. It eliminates the C. acnes bacteria which causes breakouts. However, this option also has some disadvantages. Firstly, it can be extremely harsh and is known to dry out sensitive skin. It is recommended to stick to cleansers and creams that have no more than 2% benzoyl peroxide listed as an ingredient as greater concentrations are harsher on the skin. It’s also best to go for benzoyl peroxide cleansers and lotions that contain soothing ingredients like aloe vera gel and cucumber extract.

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